Posts Tagged ‘ kristi ’


Oh, she wants to be nice now.


Kristi is wearing her work apron (why? idk) and being a real brat. Obviously she doesn’t want diamonds. Not much I can do about that.


Kristi is taking an oatmeal bath and I got in trouble for taking this picture. Those are her “you’re in trouble” eyes.


Throughout the web, I’ve seen a lot of people doing the picture a day for a year project. Whether they’re doing self portraits or just random shots, they’re doing it. Kristi is always getting on me about how we don’t take enough pictures and how it’s my job to get behind the camera and photograph everything we do and everything happening around us. I tend to be pretty obsessive compulsive about things that, in my mind, require regular updating. So I’m hoping that this blog will not only keep me snapping pictures, but will also be able to provide an overall view of what our life is like.  It’s my goal to update daily, obviously, and hopefully I won’t fall behind much or often. We’ll see how it goes.